04 January 2006

Get a life!

Okay, out of some crazy habit, I check out what's being said on Black Voices (BV) message boards and invariably there is someone who starts a thread pertaining to some celebrity and their life. Now I know we're all curious about how other folk live, but damn, do we have to get caught up and get all in as if we know them like our own family? Hell, some of us don't even pay that much attention to our own family. That's where my annoyance kicks in. It's like this, spend a little more time on your own business and getting your life straight before you get all caught up in someone else's BS and drama.

Let's keep it real here, these celebs aren't all into our lives like we are their's and let's not forget that they're human too, so instead of passing judgement, blasting them, or even defending them, let's check ourselves and our lives first.

And I refer back to my subject header...Get a life!


Blu Jewel said...

I too am convinced that a lot of the celebrity gossip is self-generated, but in this instance, I'm talking about those who swear by what they hear. They take that ish like Pastor was telling it to them. (lol) For example, a chick on the message board argued for about 3 pages that she knew FOR A FACT that Janet Jackson has a love child. She must be Miss Cleo! Nuff said.

Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.