22 February 2006

Cheaters Beware

While many woman find it increasingly hard to find a good man, the right man, or a man at all, I think the search has become a little easier if you're willing to spend some money, do some reseach, and/or not ignore your instincts for the sake of netting a man. Here's what I have to share.
So, I'm reading the usual threads on BV (Black Voices on AOL) and came across an interesting link; www.dontdatehimgirl.com. The constitutionality of this website has yet to be determined (frankly, I think it's hilarious and necessary), but if nothing else, it's informative. The site provides a database of men who have proven themselves to be untrustworthy, manipulative, liars, and down right good for nothings. Women are afforded the opportunity for FREE to post a photo and pertinent information of a man she's dated or been in a relationship with who has lied and/or cheated on her. She's able to post whatever information she deems necessary to forewarn and protect other women from being caught in his snare. Naturally, I went to the website and laughed hysterically as I read the comments from the women. I even saw the name (on the blog entry) of a man who resides roughly 2o minutes from me. (Thank goodness, I'm not shopping for a man!) All jokes aside though, think about it, if women had the insight to protect themselves from harm, don't you think it's a good thing? Of course it it, but here's where I play Devil's Advocate.
The website, Constitutionally sound or not, does provide a much needed service for women to be informed and to protect themselves; however, what happened to plain old common sense and women's intution? Oh, I forgot, I've previously discussed that the former is not common. Moving on! If you've been given signs, have a gut feeling, or he seems too good to be true, why not follow those feelings and not allow yourselves to succomb to the lies and bullshit because you want a man? Honestly ladies, you'd be better served by a Rabbit or other sex toy, than to fall prey to the wiley ways of an emotional con man. Think about it for a minute and you'll see that I'm right instead of mentally cussing me out for stating the truth.
Now, that we have that established, I'll continue. I think many (mostly men) will find this site offensive because it attacks men and puts them in an unfavorable light, but there is still a lot of truth in the postings. Personally, I don't think I'd post anything on such a site unless the man did something so heinous that I deemed it absolutely necessary to emasculate and demean him publically. I have other ways to use my dark side (lol). And for the record, I don't think I'd object to a man setting up a similar website because women can be pretty darn triflin too and not only do they use men, but use children in their means to use men.
So, in closing I'll say this...Men and women (cheaters in general) beware of what you're getting yourself into and with whom. If it seems too good to be true, it just might be; and if it smells like shit, then it is shit. Outkast said it best..."roses really smell like boo, boo, boo..."
Nuff said!


Anonymous said...

As I cleary stated, I side with neither party, I expressed my distaste with both men AND women. No need to take it personally.

Sleekblackmercedes said...

nice website - interesting to read the lady's point of view. ;)

Anonymous said...

You are very right indeed. I have taken the time to read some of the profiles on men on www.dontdatehimgirl.com and am left questioning the women who posted. If the man was so heinous, then why stay? As I said in a previous reply, I side with neither party. It was merely commentary for humor and discussion. I would very much like to see a site called dudedontdateher or something like that. Now, that shit would be funny!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

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