Okay, so I'm a little pissed off. Why? Because people never cease to amaze me with how stupid they are. What's worse than being surrounded by stupidity? Knowing there's nothing I can do about. Short of wiping them off the planet, which is illegal in all 50 states (dammit!!!), I'm then left to endure their frivolous existence and make excuses for them. Why the ranting? Well, since you wanna know, I'm gonna tell you.
So, it started off with realizing that I too was stupid. GASP!! Yes, I know it's hard to believe, but hey, even I have been known to do a dumb act. Fortunately for me, knowing I did something dumb solves half the problem and therefore excuses my momentary lapse in sensibility. That established, I'll go on with this rant.
I work with some of the dumbest mutha-effas I've ever come in contact with and the sad thing is these fools make a lot of damn money in the process. I work with someone who has no concept of what I do and how much work it actually entails. To him, it's something that can be accomplished fast and flawlessly. What a freaking joke! Anyone with any good sense, knows that's impossible. Oh, but in the world according to him, it's not only conceiveable, it's achievable. Mind you, this is coming from someone with a technical background in software and not what I do...documentation; an area of work that is laden with unforeseen problems no matter how good the specialist is. On more occasions that I can currently count, I've had to resist the urge to draw back my rather large hand and bitch slap; no better yet, pimp slap this fool. Yeah, it was that serious. Being the smarter of the two of us, I was forced to refrain because I naturally would have been at fault and Lord knows a sista needs her check. (Why couldn't I be rich instead of beautiful?) What truly amazes me is that it's always the ones who know the least think they know the most and worst yet are put in leadership positions. What the eff is up with that??! Hell, look at our current White House and you'll have a clear example of what I mean. UGH!
Anywiz, this is only a small sample of the levels of stupidity that I'm exposed to. If I had to detail more, I'd never get away from this pc and I don't think any of you are ready for a BluJewel rantathon. While I know it would be down right freaking hilarious, I'll spare you and myself from being exposed to more morons than necessary. I'm sure you can all relate to what I'm saying and if you can't, then YOU TOO ARE AN EFFIN MORON!!!!!!!!
Say it with me now....WOOOOSAAAAH!
Aww hell, what did they do to you? I agree with blaqrayne, say WOOOOSAH! If that doesn't work, slip em sumthin special and they'll leave you alone for sure...LOL!
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
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