Why do people do such heinous things and use God as a bargaining chip in the process?
Why can't people just be real and not use folk for their personal entertainment?
What would make someone be so cruel and prey on people's kindness and compassion?
I wish it didn't take lightening bolts for people to notice things/people aren't quite as they seem
Being a parent is a mutha effin hard ass job!
Being a friend is fucking hard too and dishing out tough love sucks, but is so necessary sometimes
Being able to write is the only thing that keeps me sane sometimes
I wish paused responses/delayed reactions weren't taken out of context
Sugar coated shit doesn't make candy
Why are kids so quick to get grown, but can't handle the responsibility it comes with?
Just because you're cute doesn't make you likeable or fuckable; substance counts
Why do people take the response to shocked/unexpected comments negatively?
I wish that they made greetings cards that told what you're really feeling when you have to send it to someone you're not on good terms with
Why is it that reaching out to someone who did YOU wrong feels so awkward?
Just once I wish people would stop using the past to hurt you in the present
Why does the threat of being cut off suddenly make people realize they fucked up?
I wish few days of utopia could erase a years worth of pain, anguish, drama etc.,
I hate seeing bad things happen to good people
I wish love wasn't a 4-letter word
Why can't we get along
Does race/gender/sexual orientation really matter?
What's so wrong with race/gender/sexual orientation?
Why did I just find out that my department's Christmas (they say holiday) party was a freebie and I could have gone and not used leave time?
Why didn't I want to go anyway?
I can't wait to use my Spa certificate...I REALLY need some pampering.
The Jewel has left the building....
I question these same things myself. I also wonder:
Why is being a good person NEVER enough?
Why can't someone develop a pair of glasses that help you see true colors?
Why do I keep giving all of myself to those who can't even give back half?
"Sugar coated shit doesn't make candy"
Good point, but I can't stop laughing.
RAYNE - it is enough; most people just want more
- true colors are for the most part obvious; we just dont always believe what we see
- then don't give all
ORG - u r silly
Thank Blu! You cool in my book. Thanks for the sunflowrers. (K)
Being able to write is the only thing that keeps me sane sometimes
Just once I wish people would stop using the past to hurt you in the present
x - you know you're welcome
jus - just calling it like i see it girlie
copa - glad you feel me & thanks for the stop by
You can say this again "Just because you're cute doesn't make you likeable or fuckable; substance counts"
Sorry but I will have to lift that "sugar coated shit din't make candy" line sometime!
So...a soapbox in Hyde Park next time you are over?! ;)
Being a friend is fucking hard too and dishing out tough love sucks, but is so necessary sometimes
Being able to write is the only thing that keeps me sane sometimes
I wish paused responses/delayed reactions weren't taken out of context
Sugar coated shit doesn't make candy
HELLO! As always...REAL TALK
mistress - had a feeling you'd like that one...thought you'd say "sugar coated shit doesn't make candy" too
lehane - you seemed to be among the many who like and have lifted that one...and can you put pretty flowers around my soapbox please? lol!
t.c - i guess you feel me on those ones. Hope all is well with you
And I thought I was a nut. CTHU... *mumbling* Sugar coated shyt.BWAH'AH!
What deep thoughts you've been having, and very valuable too.
Theres sooo many questions out there and there aren't enough answers.
We often have to define things for ourselves and that can sometimes lead to misdirection.
Go get your pampering on... Can I join you?
Anything done to taint the name of God is just wrong and whoever did that has a first class ticket to hell.
Oh my! Where the hell did you come up with "sugar coated shit doesn't make candy?" That is fucking hilarious. "Just because you're cute doesn't make you likeable or fuckable; substance counts?" Run tell dat!
I'm having a hard time with the awkwardness of reaching out right now.
Using the past to hurt in the present is rough too.
Man this is one helluva list.
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