16 April 2007


I haven't been checking my mail regularly and didn't realize that this lil tidbit was just sitting there waiting for me...

It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power -Alan Cohen

After what I've been dealing with lately, I'm actually glad I hadn't read it sooner because I don't think it's meaning would have been so profound to me at the time. After some much needed release and some at work church, I embrace this quote and look forward to the endless possibilities that are in store me for and I know the journey will be an abundant one.

Hopefully, we can all release ourselves from the mental and emotional bondage we're in and willingly work toward a more productive and resourceful future.

Stay blessed!


layne bowden said...

A-men! i'm all about abundant journeys!! let's take one together! ;)

have a wonderful week, sweetie-pie!

peace, love and hugs.

Organized Noise said...

This was good.

I recently did something I never thought I'd be able to do and I am having the time of my life.

Change is good!!!!!

T.a.c.D said...

it does take a lot of courage...this was right on time for me...it only reaffirms what I have been feeling and my path that i am on...i needed to read this at this time as well...

Blu Jewel said...

jus - u got it lady! i hope your week is filled with wonderous experiences.

org - nice to hear from you man...u've been missed. whatever you did that you might not have before; keep it up. yes, change IS good

t.c - i'm so happy that you too received this at just the right time. and whatever moves you need to make, make them and do it with all your energy.

Ms.Honey said...

It always come when you most needed....I never got a email response back LOL..great

Lyrically speaking said...

"Hopefully, we can all release ourselves from the mental and emotional bondage we're in and willingly work toward a more productive and resourceful future"

A very uplifting read...I've been overwhelmed lately but I'm trying to stay focused with prayer and love from my friends and family...great post, thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this, Blu!
Another quote I need to add to my arsenal...

Anonymous said...

Very powerful statement. Thank you for sharing.