28 June 2007


I know many bloggers who post a weekly Grattitude List and I find them very encouraging and in many ways inspirational. I, on the other hand rarely post such a list. No, it's not because I'm ungrateful or have nothing to be thankful for, I just simply rarely post one. Well, today, I'm going to post one, but it'll be more in paragraph form instead of a list. Either way, my grattitude will be known.

For everything I've been through in life good or bad, I've always been grateful to my heavenly father for His divine presense in my life. Even when I wanted to call it quits and say the hell with it all, I never let my faith falter and I held on regardless. My Hope is Built is one of my favorite hymns and trust me when I say, it's literally saved me and others from being hurt. When I was in basic training many moons again, it stopped me from being discharged after I wanted to smash another trainees face in with the butt of an M16. My faith has prevented me from failing peril to the temptations of drugs, alchohol, promiscuity, and suicide. How Great Thou Art, is another great hymn that has also brought me strength and comfort during my trying times. My daddy is a great singer and I remember how well he sang that hymn and it stuck with me. Blessed Assurance is another hymn that comes to mind and it too always restores my soul and gives me reason to hold on and rest on my faith. I've been blessed to have some friends/family in my life that are God-fearing people and whom are ready, willing, and able to have some church whenever; wherever the need calls for it. I have friends/family whom will go from vernacular to prayer as the need arises. I'm blessed and fortunate for them as I am blessed and fortunate to have the faith it takes to believe in what I can not see, feel, or sometimes hear. Without the grace and mercy of God, I know I would not be where I am today and I am eternally grateful and thankful that I have God in my life.

From my teens to my mid 20's, I decided I didn't want children. I had a decent childhood, lived in a two-parent home, really didn't want for much, but I still had no real inspiration or desire to have a child. For whatever reason, that changed and I had lil lady when I was 24. I'd already graduated college, so I wasn't interupting that. I hadn't gotten into a career field yet, so that wasn't going to be intertupted either. I was fortunate that I had a pretty easy pregnancy (save for the car accident at 5 months), and my labor and delivery was 3hrs, 43 mins start to finish, which by all counts is great for a first delivery. Lil lady was an easy going baby and was an incredible joy to be around and I was blessed to be able to stay home with her for the first 18 months of her life; and missed none of her milestones. She's grown into a smart, beautiful, and talented young lady who is still a joy to be around and is by far, one of my biggest and best accomplishments in life. She inspires me, moves me, and is my lil hero. She's a teen now and has her moments, but she's not filled with angst and drama; and all the things that drive most mothers insane. Again, I'm blessed.

Friends have come and gone in my life for a variety of reasons, but I'm blessed to have some that are truly ride or die. I have some that I don't need to check in with daily, but they know I love them and would be there for them at a moments notice. I have them of all ages, races, male, and female. Most of my friends are more like family to me as I have no blood relatives within my state. Hell, if my family had to come for an emergency, they's have the airlines clogged *lol* because that's the distance they've have to travel. My friends and I have gone through good times, bad times, and just times together. We've shared secrets, anger, births, deaths, and whatnot and while a few have had to be cut off, I have held on to those who remain ever true and ever there. I don't need quantity; simply quality of friendships. Age and wisdom helps to define that; leaving little room for doubt.

My family is a strange entity. I have some that I know, some that I don't know, and some that I'm just getting to know. I've always wanted to be a part of a large and for the most part functional family. My immediate family lacks a certain level of functionality, but that's simply how it is and I tend not to focus on that too much. I have cousins, aunts, and a few siblings that are the greatest ever. I've reconnected with my daddy and I have to say it's one of the most emotionally fulfilling experiences ever. He's a nut, but he's my nut and I love him. My stepdad is a good guy and he's worthy of his shout out. My mother and I, well that's a another story. However, I'll give credit where credit is due and say, she's given me some great reasons to be able to take care of myself, to work hard, and to make a way out of no way. Things aren't great between us and that bothers me as it also affects lil lady and I hope that one day we can change that. Bottom line though, I've had my parents in my life my entire life and good or bad relationship aside, I'm happy and blessed for it as it's help to shape the woman I am today.

And finally to life. Wow! Sometimes I wonder how I ever made it this far. For all the ups and downs, and bumps and bruises, I really don't know how I did it. Well, I guess it's as easy as reading back over the previous paragraphs. Without God and my faith; without my daughter, my friends and family, I wouldn't have made it. Actually, I have to make an addition. I've had a few good Pastors in my life too who've been exceptional in aiding in my faith walk and giving me the spiritual guidance I've needed. I have a wonderful church home and family in Christ too and I'm grateful for that.

In closing, I just want to say that no matter what happens or where life leads you, there is ALWAYS something or someone to be thankful for. Each day is a new day, but each breath is a dying breath, so we must all do what we can, when we can, for as long as we can to be grateful for everything good or bad and give thanks to the most high and those in our lives.



dc_speaks said...

I'm very thankful that you allowed for God to use you this morning to post this blog.

Thank you for showing why you're thankful as an example.

Have a wonderful day!


Miz JJ said...

I feel the same way about children, but I like the story of how that all changed when you had your little hero.

My friends are my family here too. Without them I would be so lost.

eclectik said...

Good post.

I'm not so bad of a guy I cant recognize that.

Jeni said...

I was led here, in a round-about way by Debo Blue. Read through your four most recent posts and very much enjoyed what you had written. Very good words and no, "it's not just you" kiddo! Whole lots and lots of us who feel, believe, understand the same things you do! Keep up the good postings, kiddo and hope you have continued success with your "lil lady." I had two "lil ladies" and on "lad" -all big, bad adults now and although they're far from perfect -neither am I - they're still the best thing God ever gave me - until he allowed me to be blessed with three grandchildren. Grandchildren are sooooo much better than the first edition ever was! LOL Or maybe it's that I'm older, hopefully a bit wiser, less stressed out most of the time and able to enjoy them much more. Whaddaya think it is?

Believer said...

I've got the blues (read today's post), and your prompting to come here was not by chance this morning. These words are life poured on my spirit like refreshing rain. Bless you!

Believer said...

I HAD the blues! You've been linked.

Lyrically speaking said...

Wow, reading your Gratitude list is overwhelmingly encouraging...so you have a little princess? That's great...

I recall when I was married I had no desire to have kids, then I changed my mind. I'm glad I did, there can only be 1, lol, i'm not having anymore...my daughter is now 9 years old and a handful of blessings

I love this post...I read it over and felt very inspired

Wendy said...

Sometimes I find myself rushing through the days and I forget how blessed I am. I forget to be thankful for all that I have. And I find a post like this one and I am humbled and grateful again. Thank you.

Xave said...

Now THAT'S gratitude! Beautiful. You are such special and loving spirit.


Ms. Confessions said...

This post is real and your truth. Which is why I love reading your blog.

Being thankful is a blessed feeling!

Anonymous said...

Blu, I really appreciate what you had to say here. I don't want to be critical of anyone, but I'll say that I liked your format and detail as compared to lists. It revealed you. Thanks for sharing.

BZ said...


Gratitude is a blessing in and of itself. Thank you for sharing it with us!

Ms.Honey said...

Love the post it's always nice to stop and think about the things big or small that make us appreciate life

Anonymous said...

Very inspiring post. Giving thanks and giving back is always beautiful. And I must say that your spirit is Simply Blutiful!! Luv ya kiddo!

Blu Jewel said...

ALL - I feel like crap for not having commenting sooner, but trust me i have a good reason.

that aside, thank you all for your comments.

jeni - thanks for your virgin visit and comment. i hope you'll come back again.