20 November 2007

Acts of kindness!

Today I volunteered to prepare and serve food at the local Rescue Mission. It was a community service event that I was anxious to participate in because I enjoy giving back and helping others. While there, I saw a man I recognized from having been at my church and when asked, he confirmed that he’d been there and was looking forward to returning. We spoke about the former and current pastors and how he loved the church. From that point on, my day was filled with such joy.

Along with some coworkers, we donated a van filled with food in addition to some clothing items for the residents and those who pass through the Rescue Mission. We prepared food that would be served later in the week and served about 200 meals for lunch. It was such a joy to see people have somewhere to go and enjoy a hot meal and rest for a little while.

Many of those who came through thanked us and extended God’s blessings for volunteering. My heart was so full because I wasn’t expecting such a warm reception. In addition, it showed that they didn’t take their meals for granted as many of us do in our daily lives.

Ladies and gentleman, my cup runneth over with knowing I made a difference and I look forward to my next opportunity at being a good servant of the Lord.

Thanksgiving likes/dislikes…

Family togetherness
Giving back to others in need
Fried turkey
Making cranberry relish
7-Up pound cake

Family togetherness (the fakeness)
Disadvantaged people
Too much food
Cameo appearances (house hopping)
6+ft lawn ornaments
Hearing Christmas music in stores


proacTiff said...

Like Don I heart your list. The cameo appearances are for the birds. Guess everyone has blood that swears they are "important" as Hollywood Red Carpet folk. Glad to see you making a difference. I've done that sort of thing for years; now I'm getting my own children acclimated to service and giving back. It's a beautiful notion when done with the right heart.

Happy Thanksgiving...

Wendy said...

Beautiful Post. I have volunteered as well as there are no words that can explain the feeling you receive from people who are truly grateful. Fakeness doesn't work in my family( thank God). We just start acting like Ms. Sofia and shut them down. they either keep it real or leave...lol
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Mizrepresent said...

What a wonderful act indeed! And, i must say, welcome back to blogging...missed your taste on things! Just don't bring up Idriss, and we will be so cool! lol!

Blu Jewel said...

pro - lol@ Hollywood Red Carpet folks, but it's too true. I'll take my child with me next year and this year, I'm reducing her gifts so she can realize what's it's like for other children to not be so blessed.

Wendy - Thanks lady! There is no greater reward than giving back and doing something so wondeful for someone else. You're fortunate not to have to deal with the fake one.

Miz - Thanks hun. I'm glad to be back too. And bout Idris, you can't have him cause you can't even spell his name right...One "s" my dear; ONE "s"...lol!

Anonymous said...

Dag. Fried turkey. I almost had my first chance to taste fried turkey this year because V wanted to fry one for me... but alas... we were invited to another get-together which will feature the old baked turkey.

Have a great holiday, Blu!

BZ said...

That's my sis! :-) Thank you for doing what you do.

I am going to have to try 7-UP Pound Cake.

Blu Jewel said...

hawa - i try a turkey a couple few times of year, so i'll let you know when the next one will be.

bz - *blush* girl, 7-up pound cake is da trooth!!!

Sherlon Christie said...

I need to volunteer more...thanks for that reminder.

My-Conscience said...

Nice List... Happy Thanks Giving!

Blu Jewel said...

spchrist - check with local churches, shelters, and/or missions. There are many orgs out there that are in need

nitty - Thanks! Happy Thanksgiving to you also.

Mizrepresent said...

blu - lol@ you can't spell his name...blame it on the wine!

Believer said...

Giving expands our hearts. The more we give, the more we want to, and thus our hearts grow to include every life we've touched. It's a small miracle in what takes place spiritually when we give!

Anonymous said...

such a good person to offer your time on the holiday!!

very classy blu!!!