25 February 2008


Something (cooties) broke into the Jewelry store and I'm not feeling well right now, so I'm gonna take a couple days off in order to take care of myself. I'll be back with my usual and unusual shenanigens once I'm feeling better.



Little Brown Girl said...

You know I know the feeling!!! Just wanted to drop by to see how you were doing. Handle your biz and feel better Chica...

Don said...

We'll be here when you return, Blu Jewel.

Get well.

T.a.c.D said...

i hope you feel better i have been fighting whatever the hell i got for two weeks now and its still not getting better...of course that's because i keep going and haven't rested...so please get some rest

Bananas said...

Take care of yourself Darlin'. You know how to find me if you need anything.

eclectik said...

Ewwwwww Blu cootz


Darius T. Williams said...

Cooties - lol. Yea, get better soon!

Anonymous said...

Love right back atcha!

Can't wait for you to get back.


PS: Are you sure you aren't locked in a room somewhere.. with some hot chocolate thing... taking a vacation from the Celibacy Blu's? hehe

Natrually-loving-God said...

Hope you get better soon- me and a couple of friends have declared a new name for the flu this season "Dat 0 8". It's hitting everyone!

Ms. Confessions said...

Hope you feel better!

Ms.Honey said...

LOL..hope all is well!!

Anonymous said...

aww hope you feel better....
the entertainment pusha has missed your comments

Don said...

Just stopped by to say hi...

Anonymous said...

Get better!!

Mizrepresent said...

Hope you feel better Blu! Stay warm lady, oh and have baby girl provide you with plenty of fluids and homemade chicken noodle soup!

Blu Jewel said...

Thank you all for the love and get well wishes. I had a bad cold and was under the weather as a result. Thanks to some Narcotic-laced cough syrup and some antibiotics, I'm feeling better.


Believer said...

Thank God for meds! I was wondering where you were. Glad you're back and well!

Don said...

lol @ narcotic-laced cough syrup.