20 January 2009

it's a fantastical (my special word) day in the neighbourhood

This is a day like no other. It's the day when the 44th President is elected into office. Not just any 44th President, but the first black/bi-racial one and one who the United States of America elected into office proudly. While I wish I could be in D.C to be in the midst of this historical moment, I'm still happy that I'm alive and well to live this day in history and with God's blessing the entire term of Barak Obama's presidency.
I'm proud that this nation and the world has come out to rally their support for Barak Obama, Joe Biden, and their respective wive and families. I truly hope and pray that change will come and that nationally and globally we will all be effective in making this world a better place.
I love that Barak Obama truly is African-American. I love that Barak is proud of his bi-racial/bi-cultural background. I love that he has a black wife and is a great father. I'm honored to have a First Lady that looks like me; that shares the same values as me, and who'll be a fantastic role model for the young ladies out there. The Obama's are The Black Family that we should want to be and be a part of; however, this is not solely about blacks or people of color to aspire to, but for ALL people.
This country needs guidance, a good moral foundation, and the ability to believe that whatever you put your mind to is achieveable and I think we've got someone who's going to provide that which we need, but we have to play our part too. We elected Barak Obama & Joe Biden into office so we have to step up; step up; step up! Now is not the time to become complacent because we've finally gotten something we feel we deserve or were owed. We as a people; as a nation; and as a collective need to pray for our leaders, lend our support where necessary/applicable, and do something that exceeds what we've grown accustomed to. Stand for something, be a part of something good, lead, feed, and if you seed; take care of your children. We've shown we can come together as a people; hence, our current President-elect, so let's stop the fighting, killing, and negativity and walk tall and proud.
Swaggarlicious is how I recently described Barak Obama as I watched the Innaugaral Concert while talking to my cousin on the phone. He's got what it takes; do you?
Love to live; live to love!


ruthibel said...

I agree with you that it will take a lot more than just electing a black President and watching him take the oath of office to crate lasting positive change. Afro-Americans in particular, and Americans in general, have to step up and support their President, work with him, and unite in order to build the country. It will definitely take a corporate effort.

Organized Noise said...

I am just sitting back and taking this all in. I have only taken my eyes off of the television screen twice since 8 o'clock this morning. This is a beautiful day on so many reasons.

Believer said...

It was a day to remember for various reasons and I'm thankful to witness it.

Praying for the President!

Ms. Confessions said...

I am so inspired. He and his family are in my thoughts and prayer.

kit von b. said...

he is the physical representation of change. truly inspiring :-)
