19 January 2006

Speculation and hearsay

Did you know that conceding to speculation and hearsay borders is a crime in many states? It isn’t that I know of, but damn well should be. It borders on slander and defamation of character, which as you can see in the headlines, can cost folk mad money in lawsuits and settlements. For most of us, we wouldn’t be forced to paying out money in settlements etc., but we should be charged in some way for the pain caused by being ignorant, insensitive, and inconsiderate. When someone we’re supposed to be friends with causes this kind of act, it is particularly heinous and if there were crimes in friendship, I would consider this instance to be a felony.

I, like many other people have yielded to the temptation of participating in speculation and hearsay, which in itself is a particularly wrong and cruel thing to do. Over the years and many pained experiences later, I have (for the most part) removed myself from those instances whenever and wherever possible. The idea of speaking ill about someone for no good reason doesn’t make me a better person and if I want to know that damned badly, then I should be woman enough to inquire myself. Here’s my issue…

Why can’t people 1) mind their own mutha effin business, 2) man or woman up and ask the person they either talking about or wanting to get information on, and 3) why the f*ck to they care anyway? Why is what I do or what someone else does any of anyone’s business. Yeah, I understand it’s human nature to be nosey and to pry, but it’s full fun and games until it’s you that’s under the microscope. I challenge folk to use the time they’re talking shit or conceding to hearsay and speculation to use that energy to find some positive to say or do. Better yet, ask themselves the million dollar question of “what’s it me anyway?” The scariest and saddest part of this is that I dealt with less of this bullshit when I was in high school almost 21 years ago. So, can someone explain to me how as allegedly more open minded, more rational, and intelligent 'adults' (and I use the term loosely) continue to act worse than high school kids?

I’m in dire need to some Valium right now cause I’m hotter than Habanera peppers. People, for the one finger you point outward, there are three that come back at you. Think about that shit the next time you open your mutha effin mouths to down someone, taunt or tease someone, or spend time being in someone’s business. None of us live in glass houses!

Off to get my meds increased!


Anonymous said...

Man that's deep! It sounds like you've been through it either as the recip or at times a participant. I respect your honesty for real. You're right though, we need to stop being so quick to talk about people and getting caught up in the drama.

Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.