I was tagged by jus.b.fli for a game of Are You a Bag Influence? I responded on her site and scored a 69 for any inquiring minds who might go check out the tag. Initially, I was going to respond to the tag and post it as my blog, but I've decided against it (my apologies jus); here's my reason why.
The tag really doesn't indicate whether or not I'm really a bad influence because what I'd be admitting to, does not affect anyone else; therefore, how could I be considered a bad influence? Being a bad influence constitutes having an adverse affect on those around me and I can somehow sway them into doing something they might not want to do. I have no such influence on people unless they themselves chose to follow suit with what I'm doing and if that is the case, then they're only doing something they've already wanted to do; and are now using me as an excuse.
See, that is what I see as the problem. Many people want to take chances, risk things, and/or do something on a whim. The problem; however, is that they lack the initiative to do it and use others as a catalyst and in some cases an excuse for themselves should they get caught/found out. I say, if you want to do something, just do it. For the most part, you don't need permission, an excuse, or someone else's influence to do something.
I totally agree on top of that most of the stuff I checked off occurred while I was in college :)...but 69 I think that refers to something else LOL..sike let me stop
Very well said!
I agree, I'm not sure I have ever been a subscriber to the "bad influence" thing myself. I mean in the end, we all have to make choices. Granted they aren't always easy and sometimes circumstance dictates the course, but people ALWAYS have a choice.
They just aren't all good ones.
Which one a person chooses is ultimately up to that individual.
Society already dictates so much that we're supposed to do, like, feel, ignore, support etc that it's okay to march to our individual drums.
As long as we're not harming society or negatively impacting others why not live fee of others' imposed restrictions.
honey - i think the premise was good and as i said, i did it, but all it really shows is what i've done and put my biz on blast. as for the #, girl your mind is in the gutter...lol
chele - i'm gonna catch hell for not taking up the tag, but i gotta stand up for what i believe in ya know?!
terry - thank you, thank you, thank you.
debo - there are few things in life we can do without consequence and even those allowable things can still get us into conflict one way or another. i say, do what you wanna and deal with the outcome.
oh clawd!!! for goodness sakes! it wasn't THAT serious! i jus thought the damn thing was cute. sheesh. i didn't think it was in any way an indication that you could necessarily sway anybody to do anything. i mean we're all grown. people are gonna do what they want anyway, right? well... at least i know i am AND i'm going to be accountable for my own actions.
anyhoo... jus passin' thru throwin' love all up in the air and shit! (hehehe)
Peace Momma! Be eazee...
Forget about the tag, it's a great subject to post.
I think at this age we had better know what we like and certainly don't need persuading.
I've got my own voice!
"Part of being a Master is learning how to sing in nobody else's voice but your own." - Hugh Macleod
jus - oh girl stop being so sensitive. i know it was just for shits and giggles; you couldn't possibly think i'm that naive. i used the tag as a catalyst for something to post considering the way massa n'em have me working. gone are my slacker days where i could blog, read blogs, and do whatever. and for the record, i'm still NOT as bad as YOU or as bad as YOU think i am.
rosemarie - we've all gotta have some fun sometime...getting older, just makes us better at it...*wink*
You're more than inspiring to me,Blu.
with love
I agree. I offer no apologies for my past. I had a good life (so far), mostly because I took chances. Why? Because I WANTED TO. Everyone is out there looking for excuses to do things they really want to do when they should just go ahead and do them. I did the "bad influence" meme myself and got a 63, but that doesn't define who I was, who I am, or who I will be. Good post.
I agree for the most part, but in some cases, we are influences because we are role models. Not just to the children in our lives, but to those just entering adulthood.
you went deep on this one... i happened to see the survey before i came to your page and i thought it was quite and interesting little checklist. i have a younger sister so i looked at it in a completely different light than you did. i agree with your ideas on a whole, but when it comes to younger siblings, it's not as black and white ya know? but i do hear you...
you're exactly right. folk make decisions for themselves. i'm big with the accountability thing. however, i think this is based upon the assumption that everybody is aware they have control over the decisions they make. it's one thing to have that control, it's another thing to be aware of that control (or aware of the choices for that matter).
for example, it's hard to think one has control over one's life when the person thinks he or she is powerless. if, despite the fact that the sista worked 80 hour shifts, she still can't keep the bills paid, it's hard to see there are choices and that she has the power to change her situation. that belief translates to all kinds of behavior that other folk would deem ridiculous.
the sista is still accountable, but she gotta be made to believe she can contol her shit. this is where the 'influence' comes in.
so in the end, i still agree with what you say. i just think it's a bit more complicated than just 'you know what you do and i don't have shit to do with it.' in a perfect world we all are that self-aware but we ain't there yet.
Thats because most people refuse to think for themselves. Most people spend to much time worrying about what others think of them.
I don't know what kind of influence I am. I have that good girl/bad girl thing going on...
su - thanks...that's a great compliment coming from you
org - not apologizing for what you've done be it good or bad is your perogative and you shouldnt have to justify it to anyone. you have a healthy outlook on your life.
rayne - agreed we are all in some ways influences on children, so in that capacity it's good to censor youself. but there are still some occasions where you have to keep it real so they can see the good and bad of things.
jac - your comment echoes rayne's and yes, with sibs we do have to be aware of our actions, but as i said to her, sometimes you gotta keep it real so they dont have a false sense of security
nikki - your comment is on point and your analogy makes a lot of sense. there are always exceptions.
beauty - true; oh so true
mistress - work both sides of who you are it provides balance and structure
I scored a 51.
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