A few things that go through my mind when I'm exposed to the mentally challenged...
What I wanna say to someone who was so on my nerves...
What I wanna say to people who insist on doing dumb shit in public because they honestly think they're funny...
What I wanna say to people who keep talking even when they're are making no damn sense...
What I wanna say to people who insist on telling me shit when I'm not listening or even when I've said I really don't wanna know...
What I wanna say when someone has exhausted the very last second of my sanity...
Ha! Mantras to live by.
Thank God I thought it was only me...L
*lol* Thoughts I've often had, with a few more curse words sprinkled in. My favorite - "You can't fix stupid."
Stop being so stupid... it's my turn.
S T U P I D = Smart Talented Unique Person In Demand
As a writer, I'm intrigued with other's wisdom (not just my own). So, I searched for some quotes on the topic of stupidity. It wasn't hard to pick my two favorites!
Thanks for sharing with us.
This was too damn funny!!!!!!
brotha - i'd be curious to see some of your illustrations on this topic
wendy - nah, not at all. folk give you too many reasons...too many!
tdj - sprinkling the curse words in makes what you're thinking that much stronger...lol
rosemarie - thanks for coming by again...i like your breakdown of STUPID...SmartTalentedPesornInDenial...my breakdown
paula - thank you for stopping by and i'm happy i could make you laugh
LOL..that last one is too hilarious
I'm lovin the 3rd one.
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