08 January 2008

someone raided the "jewelry store"

So, this was not the post I had originally planned for today, but seeing as I left it at work and I have other stuff on my mind, the latter prevailed. Here is it...

Ever wonder how you're thoughts equate to those of others? I do; often. I've read back over my most recent posts and it seems that just about everyone who's commented has shared my sentiment. Could it be that that collective is using the Jedi mindtrick? Or could it be that the collective is simply looking to achieve the greater good and be the best people they can be? I think it's the combination thereof.

I've come to the conclusion that many of us are sick and tired of being sick and tired or we just want to live our lives in the best possible manner we can. We've cleaned out our closets (literally and metaphorically); we've let go of that which is of no good to us and we're seeking to live, live, live! We're learning to let go of the negative and not let the past pain/hurt define our future good. We've accepted that life truly is short we need to live each day as if it's our last and most important that God is!

I hear people saying, "thank God or praise God", and I wonder if they really are and/or really do. We can't throw those words out there like it's a catch phrase. We really do need to thank Him and praise Him, for without Him we are/have nothing. In my church we sing a verse of a hymn, which says, "praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise Him all creatures here below" and each time I sing it, I truly do mean it because I know if not for Him, there would be no me and now here and now.

I continue to read blogs where people are open about their lives, experiences, and their goals and it warms me when God is given the glory because it shows that the collective is spiritually aware. We are knowledgeable of His greatness and His role. Amen!

Thank you for those who's blogs convey positive messages and good tidings to the readers because you continue to touch my life daily. Thank you all for sharing some of my thoughts where I'm not wondering my blogs title. Thank for raiding the "jewelry store" (my mind)and sharing your thoughts; your comments inspire, encourage, and force me to post more than the superficial drivel that's become too much a part of our society and as a community. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not turning into some motivational speaker or the next Oprah, but I do want my messages to be good ones. I'm sure from time to time I'll post some random madness or what-not, but in order to be positive, I must think positive and send positive vibes into the universe.



Xave said...

"I'm not turning into some motivational speaker or the next Oprah,"

And may I ask why not? :-)


Blu Jewel said...

Zay - ha! you're funny!

Darius T. Williams said...

This is a funny post! But um, you're welcome!

Mizrepresent said...

You are so right...i've been feeling quite the same...and i like this new movement, collective...it's a great thing...keep it moving Blu!

Believer said...

Amen! Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Psalm 150:6

I implore you to keep it real and give God the glory!

^5 my sister Blu.

God's goodness is in you, and surrounds you!

Don said...

Well, I see you are not talking about my blog when you speak of conveying positive messages. lol. I have good intentions, I really do, but some days I am guilty of playing Devil's Advocate.

Forgive me.

I love your blog though.

Anonymous said...

My friend Blu...you certainly lead the charge in positivity. You are an example for all of us to emmulate. Keep doin' you Boo...and Him.

Wendy said...

Your post have always been positive that's why I continue to come back. I am lost without my God and if I can share a little of the love he shows me then it's got to be a good thing.:-)

BloggersDelight said...

We appreciate the time you have taken to come by our corner of the blog-world and leave comments, Ms.Blu Jewel.

Anonymous said...

Nope, Blujewel...THANK YOU for being the you. You are right the collective has decided to live a truer life regardless of race gender and ethnicity. You are one of the voices that eloquently state what most of us feel on a regular basis. Thank you for that and your insight. This is why you are in my blog top ten!

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

u welcome hon, but they say like minds seek each other out

proacTiff said...

I'm getting there, BJ. Slowly making progress my possession. Thanks for reminding me about the silver lining beyond my dark cloudy existence (of late).

DBA Lehane said...

That God guy seems to take all the credit and takes none of the flak if you ask me.

dc_speaks said...

hey hey hey...love the vibe lady.

always a pleasure to see a comment or read on yor spot.


Debo Blue said...

Thank the Lord! And everything else, Sistergirl!!


T.a.c.D said...

(((hugs))) thank you for be my big sis compase

nikki said...

see, THIS is what i'm talking about. just what i needed to read today. i'm glad you allow us to 'raid the jewelry store'. we're all the richer for it. :)

Blu Jewel said...

Thank you all for the flattering comments. I've accepted that I have a voice and need to use it in a positive way. Promoting a positive attitude and image is what has afforded me many opportunities in spite of those who fought against me.

I feel extremely fortunate to make use of blessings I receive be they through your comments, interaction with like-minded people, and however the Lord deems it necessary. My walk is a humble one as I know I'm a continual work in progress.

Thank you again for your continued support and interest in my blog.