01 July 2008

It's just me!

Relaxation doesn't come much better than this.

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Bananas said...

Look at you! All relaxing and stuff.

Blu Jewel said...

terry - yea, those were some glorious days.


Don said...

looks very peaceful and relaxing.

Mizrepresent said...

Dang gurl, now the next time you go relaxing like that, you have to invite a friend, a sister like me...i felt good just seeing the warm water, that brilliant sun and that lovely sundress. I am so glad that you are feeling good. Makes me feel good!

Blu Jewel said...

don - it was very much that

miz - i have no problem inviting you. i'm pleased that you were able to take something away from the pix for yourself.


Eb the Celeb said...

Gorgeous pics... and might I say that your profile pic is one of the flyest I've seen... get it girl!

Blu Jewel said...

eb - thanks lady!


Anonymous said...


Okay, so in "confessions" you were hating on those in long/loving relationships.

In my confession here, I'm hating on beautiful Cougars who travel to my fantasy vacation spot.


Love ya!

Believer said...

You are so relaxed and lookin' good. I need some TLC like that!

Copasetic Soul said...

can you bring me some of the sunshine you are soaking up?

T.a.c.D said...

me loves it!!! next time take me too, okay? okay!

layne bowden said...

love the pics! i'm not even gonna mention the suitecase thing again... i'm jus gonna let you marinate on it. LOL

peace! love!

kit von b. said...

omg im lovinggggggggg the bathing suit! ughhh i want it!


Darius T. Williams said...

Geez - looks like you're having a GREAT time. Bring some sand back for me!

Anonymous said...


~ Rasta