22 July 2008

I Want A Love...

Thanks to Don, I came across a wonderful poem that is a MUST read. I want that kind of... by Charles.

It reminded me of a poem I wrote some years ago. Because of Charles, I've decided to share it.

I want a Love

I want a...
I want a love...
I want a love that existed way before time and will last long after it has past
I want a love that you have to travel to the ends of the universe and back to understand its depth
I want a love that makes you envelop yourself in an ocean of water only to die and be reincarnated in a different country so that I could love you in a different language.

I want a …
I want a love...
I want a love that defies sense a logic and renders me helpless every time you’re near
I want a love that makes me full even if I haven't eaten because I am consumed by the mere sight of you
I want a love that fuels my fire so much that just thinking of you makes me hot
I want a love that makes me cry every time I go to sleep because I can't see you
I want a love that makes me just want because you make me insatiable

I want a …
I want a love...
I want a love that makes years feel like months, months feel like weeks, weeks feel like days, days feel like hours, hours feel like minutes, minutes feel like seconds so I would never feel like I'm away from you.
I want a love that turns syllables into words, words into sentences, sentences into paragraphs, so that no matter what I say, it sounds like I love you.
I want a love that has a foundation strong enough to hold the weight of the world and the universe that surrounds it.

I want a ...
I want a love...
I want a love that makes everyday a ceremony for the sound of your voice is music to my ears
I want a love that makes me feel like I'm in a garden for every time I thought of you flowers bloomed
I want a love where you were my compass and I would never be lost and always be lead back to you

I want a...
I want a love...
I want a love that allows my thoughts of you to became stars so on a clear night you could look up at the sky see how much I love.
I want a love that allows me to sleep through dark and dangerous nights because as long as I'm near I know I'm safe.
I want a love that allows oceans and seas to become puddles and ponds because you are on the other side.

I want a …
I want a love...
I want a love where being incarcerated would seem like freedom knowing you're still there for me
I want a love where being naked is just a state of being because I'll always be covered with your love
I want a love that welcomes the darkness for that's when the stars shine the brightest and I know your love is above me
I want a love that allows us to speak volumes even when we're not talking

I want a...
I want a love...
I want a love that would allow me to change the promise that the rainbow made and instead of a pot of gold I would find you.
I want a love so beautiful that every paradise in the world wishes that it was their resting place.
I want a love so undefined that Webster just reference it instead of trying to define it.
I want a love ...

I want a …
I want a love...
I want a love so pure that virginity would take on a whole new meaning
I want a love so divine that is took second place next to God
I want a love that speaks for itself where even if I wasn't near you, you could still hear me
I want a love...

I want a love like this.
I want to love like this.

© Blu Jewel


♛ LORD ZARA 札拉 ♛ said...

Its really nice and sweet!

T.a.c.D said...

wow that was powerful!

Eb the Celeb said...

Charles has the whole blog world buzzing... I had a post inspired by him yesterday

Don said...


i want that love too.

that is an incredible poem. girl, what kind of heart is hidden in that body in yours? there were so many poignant thoughts within the beautiful prose but the one that hit me the most @ I want a love that welcomes the darkness for that's when the stars shine the brightest and I know your love is above me
I want a love that allows us to speak volumes even when we're not talking

my friend, THAT is truly love.
thanks for sharing the poem. i wish you posted it next week so i could brag on it. i probably still will though. of course when i get home this too will enter into the blu jewels inspiration folder saved into my documents.

Muze said...


this is actually my first time to your blog. i saw your comment on charle's and don's posts and had to see what you wrote.

and, wow. just wow.

i mean seriously, i almost teared up reading this. very powerful is the love you speak of.

i want it too.

i think we all do.

I want a love that would allow me to change the promise that the rainbow made and instead of a pot of gold I would find you.
I want a love so beautiful that every paradise in the world wishes that it was their resting place.

you better write that, girl.

i hope we BOTH get that kind of love.

nice blog. i will return!

layne bowden said...

all i can say is, hook me up with a love like that!! damn!!

i don't know who charles is; but i'm on my way to check him out. i wrote a poem like this years ago myself... i might have to pull it outta the archives and blow the dust off. we'll see... :o)

peace! love!

Believer said...

Incredible! Yet, I know there's more—more to give and express.

You've been on my heart concerning this very thing.

I speak love and life over you Blu, and over that sensual man who will be yours into eternity.

I remember well the yearning for a different kind of blessing in my "season of waiting." Sometimes it's unbearable to carry the desire, but you do, and it does happen.

Deb said...

"...I want a love so divine that is took second place next to God."

This was the most beautiful poem I have read in quite some time!

Thank you for sharing this!!!

kit von b. said...

charles' post was ON IT...i want a love like this too, but i wonder if i'm entitled to it.


Blu Jewel said...

Zara - thank you for stopping by and I'm happy your first visit was a pleasant one.

t.c - thanks...love is powerful!

eb - seems like Charles is the catalyst for inspiring posts.

don - i want this kind of love for you too. *blush* my heart is pure and simple and willing to give and be every word of this poem.

muze - thanks for stopping by and for your kind and inspirational words. I hope we all are fortunate to receive a love that manifests itself like this.

jus - girl, you know if i had access to this kind of love, i'd put you down too. please did out your poem and share it.

honey - gotcha good huh?

believer - thank you so much for putting this into the universe for me. i truly want to have this experience off paper and into my life.

deb - thank you and i'm happy you liked it. you have this kind of love and cherish it everyday.

karrie b. - girl, shut cho mouf! you damn sure are entitled to it; we all are, now go out there and claim it.


Mizrepresent said...

Oh yeah, this is what i'm feeling...this is the ish lady...i wrote something so similar a while ago...will share again, but i loved it...we are so alike, thank you!

Darius T. Williams said...

I did one of these too - well, it was more like a list of sorts...and I see EVERYBODY is joining the bandwagon. I'm sure we'll get all the love we desire...eventually.

Blu Jewel said...

miz - i recall when you posted your piece and i had told you i had one similar after being moved by yours. it feels so good to have posted this piece because i feel i'm truly putting into the universe and into God's ears, my hearts desire. I thought about you in terms of this poem after I read your last post. you're gonna be fine lady and this kind of love will be yours.

darius - if this many people have written in this fashion or are seeking love, then it's showing that we're all in need of the most basic of emotions and it's time to stop the game playing and seek to obtain that which will fully sustain us.



Hi there!!

I stumbled on your site and I am sooo glad that I did! I love the blogs that have a lot of positivity!

Please feel welcome to visit my blog and share as often as you'd like!

I've been told that my blog is a Mensa chapter but really, it's not that heady... we do address deep issues, however!

Thank you for such a lovely poem. [smiles]

Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!

Anonymous said...

Ok, so now I'm here... Now what? :0)

That was absolutely Beautiful!

I'm Blogrolling you!

Intimate Outings of Love

chele said...

Loved it. Loved it. Loved it.

Ms. Confessions said...

I LOVE this.. and I am sending this to someone special :)

E2Deep said...

Beautiful Poem!

Anonymous said...

Almost two years ago, I wanted this same love. And because you encouraged me to accept the beauty that entered my life, my "want" is to live out my new love for the rest of my precious days.

I'll be sharing this with him. ;-)

Love ya!

Charles said...

I'm mad late to the party...and I definitely appreciate the shout out!! I'm glad that I inspired you to post yours...

I love yours alot. Its so real....and your words hit home so hard. Can't say enough how much I'm feeling this...

Moanerplicity said...

Wow! Talk about putting your hopes & desires into The Universe! That was beautiful, so heartfelt, and speaks to the JOY and the longevity of True Love. I hope The Universe listens.

Snatch JOY!


Anonymous said...

Hey Blu...
We all want a love like that....

lovely poem

Anonymous said...

very nice, and most of all something that i want too.....why is life so complicated to just have the love that we all want?

Take care

Blu Jewel said...


thank you so much for your outpouring of love for this piece. it's one that means so much to me because this is truly how i feel about being in love. i love from the depth and breadth of my being, which can be both good and bad. the bottom line is that i'm not afraid to love and hope to live and love like this in reality and not just in word.
