07 April 2009

truth be told

I think that women are their own worst enemy, but are so often in denial about it

Women think about sex as much as, if not more so than men do

Trading sex for having your bills paid makes you a prostitute; you're being paid for a service

Kids today are morally bankrupt because most of their parents are

Money can buy many things, but not real happiness

It's so true that if you're unhappy with yourself, you can't/won't be happy with somoene else. No one can fix you, but you

Love is not just another 4-letter word

just because you can, doesn't always mean you should

even when doing the right thing means doing a hard thing; do it anyway; you'll be glad you did

when you ask someone for the truth, expect that you might actually get it and they're not wrong for what they've said

if you forget where you came from, you'll never know how far you've come

when you truly love yourself, you're never alone because you're always surrounded by good company

love to live; live to love!


Keith said...

You have become quite the philosopher Blu Jewel!

ChpterReads said...

WOW, so many words to live by. A mouthful of philosophies and inspiration here on this post. I think I may borrow a few and live by them.

Thank you!

Blu Jewel said...

@Keith - Just calling it as I see it.

@Liryc - Take what you can use; we all need to encourage and uplift each other.

Love to live; live to love!

ruthibel said...


live to love, love to live! I think that sums it up nicely

LadyLee said...

Great quotes, Blu!

Blu Jewel said...

@ Ruthibelle - love to live; live to love is my signature statement for how i see life

@ LadyLee - thanks doll! just calling them as I see it.

love to live; live to love!

CareyCarey said...

Well Blu Jewel, we've come a long way from the first time I visited *thecoughcouchhighheelscoughbootypicture* *lol*

Believer said...

I just tried to email you and keep getting a "failure notice." Talk to me!

Believer said...

Third time was a charm! :)

Mahogany Misfit said...


Hi sweetie...I miss reading you, I had to drop by.

Listen, I LOVE that last quote "when you truly love yourself, you're never alone because you're always surrounded by good company"

I am almost NEVER lonely and as women we have been trained to think alone = lonely...um no, not when you're at peace with yourself and your world!!! :-)

Mizrepresent said...

Alright sis, tell us how you really feel! I'm with YOU!

BZ said...


Believer said...

Women think about sex? No way! ;)

[B2B] said...

i must admit that this post does feel good...
and the little truths that come out will always be appreciated..
Bin passing by your joint for a bit and your comments at Slish's and Eb's joints always amuse me...
dope blog Blu...