09 July 2009

love to live; live to love

I was reading my Daily Bread this morning and this part of the reading really jumped out at me and I had to post it...

"...We sometimes need a reminder that acquiring “things” is not nearly as important as appreciating the people God has placed in our lives..."

Love is never afraid of giving too much.

In light of the recent deaths whether they've been by natural cause or otherwise; we have to recognize the fragility of life and people. We must always be thankful for what; but moreso whom with have in our lives and give full appreciation to first our heavenly father and then to those he has blessed us with.

Today, take some time out of your day to call someone and tell them how much you love them and how thankful you are for not just having them in your life; but what their presence means to you.

To those who are both new and old to Is It Just Me, I thank you for showing an interest in my humble blog and I do truly appreciate each of you for giving feedback, for your encouragement, inspiration, and even those who've challenged my words. Each of you have given me something and I humbly and fully appreciate that.

Have a blessed and fruitful day.

Love to live; live to love!


chele said...

And I thank you for always giving me something to think about.

Jenell : BlakIzBeautyful said...

This is awesome!

I'm such a loving person that it attracts people to me. I'm always that person that makes friends in a room of strangers, the one that family and friends call on for a pick me up, the one the kids flock to for attention.

I make an effort to tell those around me I love them often.

Thanks for the appreciation.

Rich Fitzgerald said...

What a great lesson to remember.

ruthibel said...

amen to that

Mizrepresent said...

And we are blessed to have you too!

T.a.c.D said...

and thank you for all you share and give and for all the words of wisdom that you have imparted on me these last few years...i truly appreciate it all!

A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

A special thanks to "Google" for allowing the Universe to come together to socialize, pray, grow, encourgage and openly be ourselves!

Love, peace and blessings
Free Spirit!

Blu Jewel said...

@ All - Each of you have touched my life and as I've said, I'm so grateful and it certainly feels good to know that I've acted in kind for you.

love to live; live to love!

Anonymous said...

I've learned also to appreciate my relationships.

Thank you for...

your friendship
never holding back on a topic
keeping it real
and sharing your faith