I was over my Soul Sister's house Mizrepresent and she had a post (Dueces) about finding/loving herself and it inspired this post.
Since my first relationship at 16, I realized that I was willing to sacrifice, compromise, and give more than I was able to receive in return. Given that I had a very dysfunctional view of what relationships were about thanks to my mum and stepdad; and dad and his several women; now current 4th wife whom I love, I can't fault myself for my misgivings and misunderstandings.
I became a serial monogamist and spent a good portion of my life in one long-term relationship after another. I stuck out relationships that I knew were unhealthy or destined to fail because that was my lesson learned and thought so little of my own emotional happiness. And given that I couldn't really talk to either of my parents about relationships, everything was a trial and error for me.
At some point in my life, I got sick and tired of all the bs and drama that I decided I needed to withdraw and give something back to myself. I took some much needed time out, worked on myself, and made a decision to want more for myself. That process lasted a little while and I was truly happy for and with myself; well, that lasted as long as I remained single. I once again got into a relationship that had its share of problems and given that I was only as good as I was single; began the toxic cycle.
Between the age of 24 and 38, I was in and out of relationships, love, heartbreak; and added more and more emotional scars to my existing repetoire. It wasn't until Oct of 2006 that I finally got sick and tired of being sick and tired and took control and stock of my life and emotional well-being.
I entered into a celibate period in my life where I refused to date anyone but myself. I refused to allow myself to be controlled or manipulated into something that wasn't in my best interest. I sought professional help, pastoral assistance, read, prayed, and made a commitment to close the doors of past hurts and create the proverbial clean slate.
I shared my innermost thoughts with only those who I knew would be able to speak to me on a foundation of love and with purpose and intent. I knew and accepted that I would be told things that I didn't want to hear, but knew that the words were being said for my own good. I purged myself from negative thoughts, practices, and toxicity. I began to regard myself as a priority, someone worthy of being loved, and most importantly be able to love/accept/embrace myself for the whole woman I was becoming and currently am. It was no easy fete as learned behaviour is hard to unlearn, but that commitment was made with the intent of being carried out and I continued to grow and mature as each day passed.
In time and with patience, I finally reached my destination and I am who I am now. I know what I do and don't want; what I will and won't do or accept; and I do not allow others to define me or turn me into what they want me to be. I give freely, am fiercely loyal, and am harmless unless provoked; the latter being something that lends favor to the fact that I don't do bullsh*t and drama.
I live and love by some definitive rules and practices and they are deeply rooted in positivity, trust, respect, and communication. I am honest; sometimes to a fault as well as uncensored and candid. I will not sugar coat ish and call it candy just to appease someone. I've spent too much of my life doing this for fear of hurting someone else's feelings while hurting myself in the process. This is a practice that is unacceptable and is not tolerated. While I will not be mean or hurtful, I will speak with truth and explanation as to why I feel how I do. We can very well ultimately agree to disagree, but I will not allow my personal, social, and emotional integrity to be compromised.
One of these days, I'll be ready for a monogamous relationship again, but until then, I'm happily single by choice and when I do date it's because it's what I want to do and with whom I want to share my time with. Our status and intent for social time is clearly defined so no party can say they didn't know. I play know games where I'm not aware of the rules; relationships included. If we're going to be Friends; then that's what we'll be or if we're going to be Friends with Benefits; then that needs to be clearly defined. On-going communication is essential to our progression at any level as it serves as the cornerstone for understanding and growth.
So, as I approach my next new year in September, I am spending some time in review of my expiring year and seeing where I've grown, where I need work, and setting goals/projections of where I see myself next year. It's important for me to always climb the ladder of emotional success in order to be the best person I can be. Being completely and totally happy with myself is not optional; neither is fully loving the woman I am. I've come a long way from the self-esteem compromised girl who allowed herself and relationships circumstances to be a negative factor in her life. I'm a mature, secure, confident, aware, and most importantly whole being. The fractured pieces have finally come together and the view from my eyes is a clear one. Being jaded and disillusioned no longer exists.
Thanks to my Soul Sister for being my muse and giving me an ever growing awareness of self.
Love to live; live to love!
Reading this makes me want to do a little soul searching. Great post.
absolutely inspiring!! helps to reassure me to stay on my path of growth and loving myself! this really helps me appreciate where i have been and where i am going...and i want to say THANK YOU for always giving me support and encouraging me to do and be the BEST TC i can be!!!!
@ dessex - Thanks and do what you must to be where you want to be.
@ T. C - Lil sis, you know I'm always here for you and I'm so happy that you can take something from this. You, too have come a long way and your journey ahead will be a fulfilled one. *big hugs*
love to live; live to love!
That's what we do in the Blogging community,we support and inspire each other. I get a little bit from nearly everybody I read.
I'm glad you're on the road to emotional recovery. Now I want a
list, names and addresses of everyone who broke your heart..
I'm going to hand it over to Chris
and Fathead and see if something can be done about them-lolololol.
LOL @ Keith.
The road to a whole "self" is loaded with pits, traps, rest stops, and detours. A beautiful trip can be interrupted by a pothole or a rain storm.
Bravo for using your eloquent words to draw a picture of how the journey brings us to new places of maturity and new levels of awareness.
Bravo! You are here because you took the initiative to be a whole being through growth and self-awareness.
Truthfully, I am here also and wouldn't you agree that the colors are much more vibrant and the sounds crystal clear.
Congratulations on coming this far! Now turn around...there are so many behind that want to follow. ;)
Like the others said my sister...how eloquently put! You have said all i wanted to say and more...once again it's like you are in my mind and my heart. Thank you so much for the shoutout! And Godspeed to all of us on our journey!
not playing the game without first learning the rules is an excellent guideline to live by... congrats on being and liking/loving you! :)
You are after my own heart Bluey...
i understand the depth of the realisation and i envy the man who gets you right now, coz you are so much more surer of yourself than so many other women!
doing you
blow up spot Bluey!
I'll be selfishly coming back to read this post. It's causing me to evaluate and re-evaluate different areas of my life and my future. Your growth is inspiring my growth so thank you, and of course.....
love to live; live to love!
Great post, very inspirational. You remind me alot of the person I was, and the person I have now become. Isn't it wonderful, the feeling that comes with knowing ones self.
{This is me waving goodby to the past}
What an awesome testimony. Once we learn to take responsibility for our own lives the possibilities are endless.
@ Keith - Like you; I, too am inspired and supported by members of the blog community. I think it's important to spread positive vibes wherever and however we can. LOL@ You wanting names and addresses. I've got my own versions of Chris and Fathead, so I'm good. Thanks for the offer though *smile*
@ Hawa - The journey is never easy if you want real direction and a wonderful end point. I've taken the potholes with the scenic routes and am more than content with where I've arrived. Thanks for taking some of those trips with me. *hugs*
@Believer - Hugs and brava to you for your own successful journey and an additional hug for your role in where I am now. My car in big enough for whomever wants to join me.
@Miz - The thanks are appreciated though unnecessary. You are very much a part of me as I am you. Divinity has ordanined it so. Agreed, godspeed to all of us on our respective journeys.
@ Ruthibelle - without rules; we are unorganized in so many aspects of our lives. Having them and living by them is very much an essential guide and game book.
@ B2B - thanks for the virgin comment. Please don't let Mr. Slish hear you calling me Bluey; as that's what he calls me...lol! Thank you for your kind words; they made me smile.
@SLC - Please feel free to come back and take whatever you need from this post.
@Soloman - Me standing next to you waving also. Yes, it's a wonderful thing to be able to do.
@ Chele - Amen! That's real talk right there.
Love to live; live to love!
See! I did what you did when I turned 35...Have you read my blog! ya see what kind of trouble it keeps me in!!!! All jokes aside I bet you're a much happier person because of it...
Just stopping by to say 'Hi' again, I just had to revisit this one, and I you are so blessed to have all these friends out here that leave such wonderful comments.
Great post. It has inspired me. Plus, it just gives validation to my wanting to be with myself. I used to feel funny at times loving my aloneness. I am starting to see more women doing it.
I love how open you were in this post, alot of folks would find it too vulnerable.
Hi there!
This is a great testimony!! Inspiring and valuable for all to hear! There are women who just don't take the steps that you have taken but I hope when reading this, they will consider it!
Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!
@Slish - No doubt! My happiness is no longer negotiable.
@Soloman - I'm flattered that you have come back to this post and yes, I'm quite blessed to be surrounded by such good people.
@Shai - Women have carried a heavy burden self-imposed and acquired and it's time to reclaim ourselves. Yes, the post was rather vulnerable, but I'm not ashamed of what I've gone through as it's helped shape the woman I am now. Whatever your journey, take the necessary steps to ensure your OWN happiness. Wishing you well.
@black woman - I know you've had your own 'struggles' and I'm happy that my post could inspire others. I hope both genders will start to find themselves.
Love to live; live to love!
You do you and I'll do me - love this! It's time you turned your blog into a book.
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