14 July 2009

Love's Divine

I've waited all my life for the love of my life to walk in and one day he did. There he was standing there in his deep caramel visual splendor and it was love at first sight. It's a feeling that is unexplicable and there is absolutely nothing I could ever compare it to. Fortunately for me, the feeling was mutual and it was the making of one intense, absolute, perfectly (at least perfect for us) formed, serendipitous, fate-driven, and passionate relationships we'd ever had. Sadly, all things that glitter aren't always gold, and we spent the next 14 years in one still intense, but bittersweet relationship.

Talk about hills and valleys, rollercoasters, and other such adjectives to describe the complexities of well placed, but often untimely relationship; however, the love that existed between us never went away in spite of whom we were with. Denial was never a factor in what did or didn't happen between us; it was more a fear on his part that I would somehow change from the woman he'd fallen for to some other woman once he was in the relationship. Given that I've not changed; at least for the worst in 14 years, he really didn't have anything to fear except his own vulnerability in letting go once and for all.

After honest, open, continual, and forthright conversations, we've finally come to the place where we started all those years prior. The intense feelings; the passion; the connection; and the love is even more solid than ever and we're finally; not just on the same page, but in the same sentence. Love is patient and it is kind; and the due dilligence paid has now paid off. Love's Divine is what I'm feeling and it's more stronger and powerful than the bionic and woman combined.

Time has been the true testiment to this story and right now I'm experiencing what it means to love to live; live to love and man does it ever feel good.

Love to live; live to love!


QueenBee said...

Now ain't that the truth, but you still need to keep those daisy dukes on reserve.

Anonymous said...

That's wonderful, and I’m waiting patiently for more about this Divine Love.

Interesting, I was wondering if it's possible to fall in love with your spouse again. I think you answered my question! :)

Blu Jewel said...

@Queen - girl, you bring a smile to my face every time you leave a comment. Thanks for that! I certainly do have the Daisy's on reserve and another pair for back up. How's that?! LOL!

@Believer - Please keep me and my Love in prayer. We've come too far to turn back now. And yes, it so is possible to fall in love with your spouse again...Now, go SHOW him ;-)

Love to live; live to love!

chele said...

I'm happy for you!

Jenell : BlakIzBeautyful said...

Blu this is so awesome!
You are truly blessed and highly favored--don't you ever forget it.

Have you ever heard of the book The Love Dare by KENDRICK, created from the movie Fireproof?

Well to you and Believer and all men and women holding on to their marriages, but want to fall in love again, this book is for you!

The book has to be visited for 40+ days. On each day there is a bible verse and a DARE that you follow in building your relationship back up.

My fiance and I were so happy while we did the book because we are already doing many of these things, but ofcourse we are, we havent been married forever yet. LOL We promised eachother that we will always visit this book each year to ensure we are still on the right path in this relationship.

~*~Come check out Me & My Ego! and Follow my blog! ~*~

CareyCarey said...

Turn away from them low riding Daisy Dukes. They sound like reservations and reservations sound like doubt, and doubt leads to mistrust which leads to the end of the road.

That's a fact jack ...I mean Blu Jewel. Beware of the dog that brings you the bone!

Blu Jewel said...

@Jenelly - I am not married and we're not quite in a committed relationship; although, we are working toward it. Our love for each other has sustained in spite of the peaks/valleys and we're finally at the place we've always needed to be. I will check out the book as it sounds rather interesting and I'm all for continued growth.

@Carey - I have absolutely no reservations toward this dude; however, one must remain slightly objective and open minded. As he and I transition from one stage to another; the Dukes will be soley for him if ya know what I mean ;-)

love to live; live to love!

CareyCarey said...

Okay Blu Jewel, I gotcha ...objective and open minded. Yep, keep those Daisy Dukes on the down looooow if you know what "I" mean :-).

Lady of Substance said...

Love is about hills and valleys, rollercoasters, and other such adjectives to describe the complexities of well placed, but often untimely relationship;

However, if there was not all of the above most relationships do and do not survive. You have to keep the love to survive all of that.

And being married for over 30 years, I will say Love is patient and it is kind; and the due dilligence does and will pay off in the long run.

Remember to always make him your "Best Friend" tell him your needs, wants and desires and get his opinion on how he plans to act on them.

Blu Jewel said...

@Carey - glad we got that straightened out.

@ Lady - wow! and thank you so much for your concurrence, kind words, and inspiration.

love to live; live to love!

Blu Jewel said...

@Chele - girl, I'm so sorry. Somehow I overlooked your comment. Thank you for being happy for me and I hope to be where you are (in terms of relationship and happiness) in the near future.

love to live; live to love!

Mr. Back2Basics... said...

i love the way you have expressed this...

and i have so much to learn from this single post
thanks for sharing this

MOMSWEB said...

I think the very beginning is the most exciting breath taking part of a relationship. Enjoy it!

Blu Jewel said...

@Mr B2B - That's awesome. I like when men can positively respond to such topics and walk away with something to ponder.

@Mom - Thank you so much. Please keep us in your prayers. The walk has been a long one and now it's time to rest; on and with each other.

Love to live; live to love!

Unknown said...

Yay for you! :) What a wonderful love story.

Winks & Smiles,