04 January 2010

A few clouds above 9

I'm experiencing this really great feeling and it's making me happier than I've felt in longer than I can even remember. I feel like a schoolgirl with a crush on the Quarterback. I get giddy when I talk about him and I'm so sentimental that I keep his BBMs (BlackBerry Messanger) messages. Today his status read "she takes me to another level". Talk about make a girl feel good. He said I made his day and put a smile on his face. He has done the same for me.

I'm pleased that the attraction and feelings are mutual and while I don't know what the future holds, I hope that he'll be a part of mine.

I've prayed on this feeling and asked God to let His will be done with this. Time will tell.

It's all possible!


QueenBee said...

When I read the first line before even going further, I said, OMG, that girl done wore them daisy dukes and got some hot sex on a platter. I was about to give you a high five. Don't be messing with my mind like that.

Blu Jewel said...

OMG! LMAO! I so wish that was the case! Keeping my fingers crossed.

It's all possible

Luv said...

lmbo @ Queen and you saying it all possible!

well while u waiting.. just get your pole game tight ; )

I am so happy for you... i am a sucker for love stories

Anonymous said...

Wonderful, and keep the flame alive! Each partner extending themselves for the other.

"Loving couples are bent on taking good care of the other flawed human they get to share life with." -The Love Dare

Blu Jewel said...

@Luv - Queen is a mess, but I like her anyway. I'll keep you posted as things progress.

@Believer - love that quote. This feeling truly is something.

It's all possible

chele said...

Awesome. I love the possibilities when it comes to love and romance.

Glad to see you are back to blogging on a regular. I missed you!

Blu Jewel said...

@Chele - I'm following your lead and making a go for it. I remember when you were still doubtful, but look at you now. I'm done with the doubt and have made the step forward. I'm happy to be back too!

It's all possible!

Mizrepresent said...

I am so happy for you and like the others, i luv the new pic...i can see your joy!