07 September 2006

Thoughtful Thursday - Stop whining and live

It’s human nature to whine and/or complain about something be it the weather, finances, spouses, children, work, or whatever, yet how often do we speak about something positive? Probably not that often and we should work toward changing that.

As we marked the 1-year anniversary (Aug 29th) of Katrina and as we approach the 5-year anniversary of 9/11, we should all look at ourselves and how fortunate we are. Even the smallest thing that may seem inconsequential could be the one thing that separates us from having nothing. The friend who treats you to lunch when you have no money, the coffee being fresh in the break room, the traffic lights all being in your favor while you’re running late. Always remember there is joy in the simple things! Looking at the big picture, we often fail to see the smaller and most significant details. Slow down and really live, love, and laugh.

The following is a clear reminder of how we can reposition ourselves:

The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.
You have power over your mind – not outside events.
Your life is what your thoughts make it.

For one week, I challenge you to keep a journal and everyday write down 5 things you’re happy about, thankful for, or any other positive occurrence. At the end of the week, review the journal and you’ll see that things aren’t as bad as perceived and while doing that you’ll grow a better appreciation for yourself, your life, and the people in it. If that doesn’t occur, then pull out an AK47 and kill the lot of them. I’M ONLY KIDDING ON THAT. I just said it because I know there’s always at least one skeptic in the group. (lol)

Have a blessed day!


Anonymous said...

Wise words Blu.

Ms. Confessions said...

You're right!!!

I'm game...

Anonymous said...

I'm up for the challenge!!

G. Mo said...

I already keep a journal, but I'll be sure to take you up on the positive thoughts challenge.

Mahogany Misfit said...

You're right about this you know. I'm sure most of us could name much more than 5 things too!

Suzan Abrams, email: suzanabrams@live.co.uk said...

Top class, Blu!

Sue said...

So glad you stopped by! Boy you caught me on a great day!

I was thinking the same kind of thing two days ago. I was nice and smiley to everyone. It even got me a 20 gift card for saying nice things to employees. That's a first.

I think the journal is a great idea. And I totally agree with everything you said in your two previous posts!


Prophetess said...

That was a beautiful quote. I take your Challenge. Everyday, starting next week, I will be posting about something that I am grateful for.

People take life and love for granted all the time, and then they freak out when Karma bites 'em in the butt...

Anonymous said...

Thanks...I needed to read this! =)

Being positive is something that I think its sooooooooooo important and alot of people don't realize this. I would like to think I'm generally a positive person. I know I have my moments, just like everyone else. But negativity is something I really don't like in myself, or those around me.

I feel you on this!!

Your thoughts create/determine who you are! Think positive in order to be positive!

Blu Jewel said...

It seems I've got some really good readers visiting me. If you don't mind, would you email me your lists and I will post a follow up blog to show there are some people of substance and positivity in the world.

Thanks a bunch ;-)

Hawa Bond said...

Dang... as I approach and breeze through my mid-30's, I find myself performing this exercise a lot. Thanks for sharing this reminder with us.