Love Lost Sought
by Sojourner & BluJewel
Gone it seems are the days
When my call inspired your gasp
You were once so impressed
By the sparest thoughts of my mind
Now heavy laden pauses stifle
The gentle words that die on the cusp of forming
Each time they try to penetrate
The fortress that has become you
Electricity used to arc
At the slightest touch from my hand
Now the quickening of your heartbeat
Has settled into a stroll
Unlike a moth; the attraction has waned from the flame
Preserving what's left of my wings
To fly away to safer ground
Resting what remains of my still beating heart
Life has long since extinguished
The one we hoped build
The rising tide of differences
Has drowned love's crashing waves
In the wake of loves demise
Time waits to heal all wounds
Wondering how this love was everywhere
And yet became so elusive
Please be sure to check out Sojourners new playground called Duets where you can find more fine poems with other talented bloggers.